Wednesday, May 27, 2009

US Wine Distributor to analyze customer spend

Republic National Distributing Company (RNDC) is implementing a new online reporting tool to track and measure consumer purchase behavior. Through deployment of this solution, RNDC will be able to use analytics to predict customer behavior and look at real time marketplace trends, price points, and opportunities for spirits, wine, and beer sales.

Data will be collected from point of sale systems for 14 markets in the US. This information will be used to provide insight into consumer spend, consumption preferences including purchases by brand names, competitor pricing and distribution benchmarking. RNDC plans to use the analytical tool to evaluate: how the economy is affecting traffic and sales volume; whether there are shifts in consumer spending; the average dollar amount guests are spending on drinks; preference on how beer is consumed (draft or bottled), etc. This information will then be used to plan consumer promotions, and market new products based on consumer preferences.

The information we now show our customers (restaurants, bars, etc) is real, fact based, and applicable to their unique market, said RNDC Assistant Corporate VP Wine, Ken Rosenberg.

RNDC is the second largest distributor of premium wine and spirits in the U.S. It employs more than 6,000 individuals nationwide.

Indus Insights is a specialized consulting firm that assists organization in leveraging analytics to drive business performance. They use state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical techniques to unlock game-changing insights hidden in data; and then translate these insights into actionable strategies.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Retail businesses can use analytics to flourish despite economic crisis

Retail businesses rarely see the kind of economic stress that is facing them in their markets today. The economic crisis has forced consumers to be very selective about buying. The most successful retailers will be those who are adept at data optimization using advanced, database-driven analytics.

Companies have uniquely valuable information assets which, when examined and leveraged through detailed analysis, can contribute dramatically to positive performance.
So, specifically, on what type of analytics should retailers focus? Bill Franks offers ten tips on programs that can engage the shopper. Learn which relationships to fight for, which to grow and which, if any, may be futile.

In the article, he highlights the benefits of mobile marketing, pricing optimization analytics, forecasting, demand chain management, and shelf-space planning among other ideas. He emphasizes the importance of an enterprise-wide approach to data management. Now more than ever, retailers must see the whole profit picture! Technology has made big strides in data warehousing capabilities; but most organization’s ability to manage, analyze and apply data has not kept pace.


Bill Franks is Managing Partner of the Retail Advanced Business Analytics Practice for the Americas region at Teradata Corporation. Bill has extensive background helping clients derive value through the use of data analysis and modeling.

Indus Insights is a specialized consulting firm that assists organization in leveraging analytics to drive business performance. They use state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical techniques to unlock game-changing insights hidden in data; and then translate these insights into actionable strategies.

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